Fiction is a Wordle-inspired game of deception. One player is the Lie-brarian and will choose a secret word from a classic work of literature. All the other players work as a team to guess that secret word as quickly as possible.
The Lie-brarian will tell the players if their letters are present in the word. Be careful, though, as each clue will have one letter be a lie!
Remember, There's Always a Lie!
Be careful making deductions.
Try not to make concrete statements about the nature of the word before you’ve confirmed it. If you have time, take a scientific approach and change one variable at a time. This minimizes the Lie-brarian’s attempts at deception!
Conversely, Lie-brarians, capitalize on “known” letters!
If the players are convinced something’s right, don’t touch it! Try and reinforce this behavior, at least until they’ve used up too many turns to correct their mistake.