Assembling Your Miniatures
In this section, we will go over the steps required to assemble plastic miniatures.
If your models are pre-assembled, such as Zombicide minis, skip to the Priming section.
If you are working on Nolzur's miniatures, skip straight to the Painting section as they come pre-primed.
Tools for assembling:
- a pair of cutters (essential)
- a knife (essential)
- plastic glue or super glue (essential)
- a mouldline remover
- a file set
- an assembly stand
The Four Steps
Assembling plastic miniatures is done by following four simple steps:
- cutting
- trimming
- test-fitting
- gluing
Most highly detailed models like Warhammer miniatures are made of multiple parts molded onto frames called sprues. The parts of the models are connected to the frame by gates.
Following the assembly guide of your product, use a pair of cutters to snip the parts away from the sprue. Place the flat edge of your cutters against the component and cut as closely as you can. If you cannot see clearly where the gate ends and where the part starts, it is safer to leave a bit more of the gate.
Note: some painters prefer to use primer spray directly on the sprues before cutting the pieces away from the frame. This makes priming easier but complicates trimming and gluing.
Even with a close cut, gates leave excess plastic attached to the parts of your model. If not trimmed properly, these excesses can create gaps when assembling. Using a sharp knife, cut the extras away. Use a file set or scrape with the dull edge of your knife until you get a smooth finish.
Before you commit to gluing your model, spend a minute to try the pieces together and check if there are any gaps caused by residual plastic. This process is called test-fitting or dry-fitting. If the fit is perfect, proceed to gluing, otherwise go back to trimming.
Plastic glue or super glue? It depends on preferences.
Plastic glue melts the plastic. You must keep the pieces pressed longer but this gives you more time to make last second adjustments. Once the glue has set, it is almost impossible to separate the pieces without damaging them.
Super glue sets faster. It is possible to snap the pieces apart afterwards without damaging them.
If you are having difficulties holding small pieces together, consider purchasing an assembly stand.
Note: some Warhammer models are labelled "Easy to Build" or "Push-fit", especially in recent starter sets. While they can be assembled without glue with a system of pins and holes, we do recommend using glue to make them more resilient.
Done assembling? Continue to the Priming section!