Another Dr. Knizia classic reimagined in the Allplay form factor–Money is an auction game where your bid is an eligible reward!
Collect different types of currencies. With 200 or more per currency, you score the value of that currency. If under 200, score the value of that currency minus 100. Collect special sets for bonus points!
This edition adds silver as a currency to the game, adding a brand new set type.
Make an offer at the exchange
Using your cards in hand, make a bid for the current market. The highest bidder will go first, but remember—your bid may be available for your opponents!
Trade with the market or opponents
Going in bid order, make trades to claim cards for scoring. If your bid gets traded for, you'll be the new highest bidder (making it your turn).
Score sets: with 200 or more of a currency type, you score the value of that currency. If under 200, score the value of that currency minus 100. Collect silver and gold sets for bonus points!