Eureka! This strange island's fascinating flora and fauna are unlike any you’ve ever seen! How… odd!
As an intrepid investigator of all things idiosyncratic, your job is to explore the island and document these fantastic creatures. On your turn, explore by placing a terrain card somewhere on the island (with the ability to cover up previous terrain!).
Then, place one of your seven flora or fauna tokens on the card you’ve just played. These tokens score based on their surroundings; for example, the pigehorse scores better in large swathes of desert where it can run free!
Can you find the species’ perfect ecosystem? Can you cover up your opponents’ plans before the entire island is explored?
Basic and advanced modes make an Oddland both accessible and highly replayable!
Explore the island
Play a map card from your hand, covering up to two spaces on the map. You may not cover any species tokens on the map.
Discover unique flora & fauna
Place one species token in your supply onto the map. You must place in one of the four spaces on the map card you just played, and you may not place in any territory where there is already a species token (of any type, belonging to any player). Then, draw a map card.
Document the creatures' special scoring!
The playful pangeroo loves having other species share its row or column. The owloose spreads its wings across diagonal jungle tiles. And, the massive whalephant occupies two spaces on the island, scoring five points per space in its smallest territory.